This book tells the extraordinary story of a silver collection amassed by Marshal William Carr Beresford during and subsequent to the Napoleonic wars, the subsequent gift of part of the collection to the nation and the curious events surrounding the theft of that part of the collection in World War II.
Marcus de la Poer Beresford is a distant relative of Marshal Beresford. Marcus has lectured extensively in Ireland and abroad on the Napoleonic wars, and his publications include:
Marshal William Carr Beresford ‘The ablest man I have yet seen in the army’ (2019 in English and 2021 in Portuguese),
Peninsular and Waterloo General, Sir Denis Pack and the war against Napoleon (2022)
This book tells the extraordinary story of a silver collection amassed by Marshal William Carr Beresford during and subsequent to the Napoleonic wars, the subsequent gift of part of the collection to the nation and the curious events surrounding the theft of that part of the collection in World War II.
Marcus de la Poer Beresford is a distant relative of Marshal Beresford. Marcus has lectured extensively in Ireland and abroad on the Napoleonic wars, and his publications include:
Marshal William Carr Beresford ‘The ablest man I have yet seen in the army’ (2019 in English and 2021 in Portuguese),
Peninsular and Waterloo General, Sir Denis Pack and the war against Napoleon (2022)